
Enablers not Rescuers not Flying Monkeys (+Dark Personalities)

Uploaded 12/6/2024, approx. 6 minute read

Had I been British, I would have said that I'm under the weather.

But because luckily I'm not British, all I can say is that I'm blipping sick.

And I hope to recover in time for the seminar in Zagreb, because it is day long and almost 400 clinicians from all over Europe are streaming into the city to listen to the one and only.

But I'm not in good shape. Let's hope for the best. Let me take a sip.

I know what you're thinking. It is not whiskey. It is chamomile tea.

Okay, enough fooling around.

Today is a day of disambiguation. Disambiguation is a word that Wikidians are very fond of.

I'm going to explain to you the difference between enablers, flying monkeys and rescuers, saviors. I'm also going to shed light on dark personalities and the common mistake perpetrated and perpetuated by self-styled experts online.

Let's start with enablers.

Enablers are people who assist someone in his habit, especially if it is a self-destructive habit.

So if someone is a junkie and you provide them with drugs, you're an enabler. If someone misbehaves in some way, criminally or otherwise, and you cover up for them, you're an enabler. If you provide someone with illicit materials, you're an enabler.

An enabler is someone who helps another person continue, perpetuate, and perpetrate criminal, illicit, immoral, illegal, or socially unacceptable behavior.

So, for example, a mother who would turn a blind eye to her son's criminal conduct would be an enabler. Someone who would bring alcohol to an alcoholic would be an enabler. Someone who would go to a shop and purchase alcohol for a minor would be an enabler.

Got it? This is an enabler.

Enablers have nothing to do with flying monkeys.

Flying monkeys are people who carry on the agenda, usually of a narcissist or a psychopath or a borderline.

They collaborate and collude with a narcissist or a psychopath or a borderline. They collaborate and collude with a narcissist in effectuating some kind of plan. It could be revenge, it could be a smear campaign, it could be interface with law enforcement, it could be smear campaign. It could be interface with law enforcement. It could be anything.

The flying monkey is the long arm of the narcissists. The flying monkey carries on or carries out the narcissists, strategisms, ideas, strategies, and so on and so forth.

And usually the flying monkey helps the narcissist to harm and damage and break and adversely impact other people.

So as you see, enablers and flying monkeys are not the same.

And then there is the rescuer savior.

The rescuer savior is someone who grandiosely believes himself or herself to have the capacity to save someone else, to rescue someone else, to fix someone else, to heal someone else.

As I said, it's a grandiose delusion.

The savior or the rescuer convinces himself or herself that they're the only ones who can change and transform someone else's life.

They create a narrative in which the other person is helpless and hopeless and irredeemable except for the intervention of the Savior and the rescuer.

And then they're rushed to the scene and they offer their services. They believe that their actions cause healing or personal transformation or a betterment of the situation.

So these are Saviors rescuers.

Saviors rescuers are usually part of what is known as the Karpman Drama Triangle. And there is a video dedicated to this on my channel.

Okay, one last comment about dark personalities.

Dark Triad personalities are not narcissists. They are not psychopaths.

People with dark triad personalities have traces of narcissism. They behave narcissistically. They have a narcissistic style.

But they are also subclinical.

In other words, people with dark personalities cannot be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. They are not clinical. They are subclinical.

Although many of their behaviors are highly reminiscent of the behaviors of a narcissist.

Similarly, people with dark triad personalities display or exhibit psychopathic behaviors, and yet they are not psychopaths. They cannot be diagnosed with psychopathy or antisocial personality disorder. They are subclinical psychopaths. They may be defined. They may be reckless. They may be aggressive, but they are not psychopaths. They may be defined. They may be reckless. They may be aggressive, but they're not psychopaths.

Dark tetrad personalities are subclinical narcissists, subclinical psychopaths, Machiavellian people who are also sadists.

Now there used to be, there was a proposal espoused by Millon and others to include sadistic personality disorder in the diagnostic and statistical manual. This proposal has been rejected, but sadism is a kind of personality disorder.

And so in dark tetrad personalities, the sadism is actually clinical.

Machiavellianism is a pattern of behaviors, choices, decisions, and strategies that are intended to manipulate other people.

But the psychopathy and the narcissism in dark triad personalities and dark tetrad personalities are subclinical. They cannot be diagnosed.

That's it for today. Now you are much better equipped to tackle life and everything in it.

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