If she understands right, it\'92s economically equal, basicallythis whole religion system that we call narcissism, because it has exactly the same features in Australia, Chinaor wherever you go, and that\'92s why it has common skills and common problems as well. So it\'92s equal, mollified.
Yes, narcissism is possibly the only global phenomenon with no local features, the only totally universal phenomena. That\'92s why it\'92s the most powerful religion ever. It is totally universalist religion.
For example, a Chinese narcissist could be easily diagnosed by, for example, an American daughter. This is identical. I have seen Iranian narcissists. I've treated people from, by now, well over 20 countries. No difference whatsoever.
Nastis is nastis and nastis.
So this is a religion which is monovalent, homogenous, universalist, globalized, distributedand networked. All the features of the internet and all the features of cancer. It\'92s a cancerous, internet-like religion.
Let's pray.
And it's a religion because it involves a worship of an omnipotent, omniscient, perfect being, the false self.
That's why it's a religion.
Because there's a being, an entity, which is, has all the attributes of God.