
Vaknin Talks

Full transcripts of Sam Vaknin's videos

Great Reset: True Healing Only After Hitting Rock Bottom (with Vera Faria Leal)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, highlighting its historical, religious, and economic dimensions. He emphasizes the intractability of the conflict and the lack of compromise due to the intertwining of religious, nationalistic, and economic factors. Vaknin also delves into the psychological underpinnings of the conflict, discussing narcissism, victimhood, and the need for a collective crucifixion or apocalypse to bring about transformation. He stresses the importance of philosophers, psychoanalysts, and psychologists in the negotiation process and advocates for a shift towards communitarianism as a potential solution.

How Narcissists, Psychopaths Shot Themselves in the Foot (Ecosystem, Predator-Prey, Victimhood)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the evolution of narcissists and psychopaths in targeting victims and how they have adapted their strategies to the changing times. He explains how the growing awareness of narcissistic abuse has made it more difficult for predators to find victims, leading them to transition from hunting individuals to targeting groups and reshaping society to create an environment conducive to their behavior. This has resulted in a binary ecosystem where individuals are forced to choose between being predators or prey, leading to the rise of victimhood movements and paranoia. However, this has also created an imbalance between the number of predators and prey, as well as a situation where victims seek out abusers, ultimately backfiring on the narcissists and psychopaths.

Why You Buy Into Narcissist’s Simulated Existence

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the nature of narcissists, likening them to computer programs or artificial intelligence. He explains that the narcissist's ability to mimic human behavior does not make them truly human, and they lack empathy and positive emotions. Vaknin describes how narcissists manipulate and deceive others by triggering internal processes, reorganizing their minds, and using attribution errors. He attributes the narcissist's behavior to early childhood abuse and trauma, suggesting that they are the product of their environment and genetic predisposition.

Narcissist Female Bosses Outbest Male Narcissist CEOs

In this lecture, Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the prevalence of narcissism in corporate leadership, particularly focusing on the performance of narcissistic female chief executive officers. He highlights a study that suggests narcissistic female CEOs outperform their male counterparts and that their narcissism is associated with improved company performance. The study also suggests that female CEOs are able to suppress the dark side of narcissism and leverage traits such as empathy and networking, leading to superior corporate outcomes. Additionally, the lecture touches on the impact of narcissistic tendencies of chief financial officers on corporate digital transformation, suggesting that narcissism in upper management may be a beneficial corporate asset.

Narcissist Stalks Your Dreams, Nightmares

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the concept of lucid dreaming and its application to the narcissist's shared fantasy. He explains how the narcissist manipulates and entrains the victim into the shared fantasy, triggering repressed memories and emotional release. The lecture delves into the psychological impact of the shared fantasy, the role of dreams in processing trauma, and the brain's response to threats and stress during sleep. Vaknin emphasizes the importance of paying attention to nightmares and dreams as they may provide insight and self-awareness to help individuals navigate the shared fantasy.

Mental Illness, Left and Right with Prof. Ed Dutton, Jolly Heretic

Professor Sam Vaknin, an expert on narcissism and diagnosed narcissist, discussed various aspects of narcissism, including its nature, types, and prevalence in society. He explained that narcissism is characterized by an absence of true self, replaced by a false self that acts as an imaginary friend or deity. Vaknin also touched on the differences between overt and covert narcissism, the concept of psychopathic narcissism, and the societal and cultural shifts that have led to an increase in narcissistic traits. Additionally, he addressed the impact of social media on narcissism and the importance of addressing the conflict between men and women as a critical issue for society.

Privatized Empathy and Cowardly Public "Intellectuals"

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the decline of empathy in society, particularly among public intellectuals who prioritize self-interest, power, and manipulation over compassion and care for others. He identifies four groups of intellectuals in Macedonia, including the fearful, the self-interested, the territorial, and the malignantly romantic. He attributes the behavior of intellectuals in the Balkans, including Macedonia, to the influence of Marxism, socialism, and communism, which redefined the role of intellectuals as leaders and co-opted them into the power machine. Ultimately, he argues that intellectuals in Macedonia have betrayed their role in invigorating the nation and integrating society and culture into global trends.

NO WIN: Narcissist Sees Himself in You (Projective Resonance)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the intense bond and attachment that forms between individuals and narcissists. He explains that this bond is driven by five mechanisms: a common background of adverse childhood experiences, the "Hall of Mirrors" effect where the narcissist idealizes the individual, trauma bonding, the shared fantasy, and projective resonance. Projective resonance is when the narcissist sees himself in the individual, leading to either a reminder of his true self or a challenge to his false self. This bond is pathological and leads to a coercive control dynamic, where the individual becomes dependent on the narcissist, while the narcissist becomes resentful and seeks to separate.

Helicopter, Bad Parenting Foster Narcissism Pandemic (with Conor Ryan, Eyes Wide Open, EXCERPT)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the increasing prevalence of narcissism in society, fueled by societal messages and parenting practices that promote self-centeredness and grandiosity. He explains the detrimental effects of narcissism on individuals and institutions, and the impact on the formation of a healthy self. Vaknin also highlights the abusive nature of overindulgent and controlling parenting, and the collusion between modern education and parenting in fostering a fantasy bubble for children. He emphasizes the importance of allowing children to experience suffering and challenges for their personal development, and the need for clinical and therapeutic interventions to address narcissistic behaviors.

Narcissist: Negative Introjects, No Superego, Only Bad Object Internalized

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the difference between the super ego and negative introjects, emphasizing the confusion caused by self-styled experts online. He explains that the primitive superego is not the same as the superego and that the superego is the moral component of personality, representing parental and societal standards. Vaknin also delves into the concept of the internalized bad object and negative introjects, distinguishing them from the superego and highlighting the role of defense mechanisms in coping with these internal voices. Additionally, he touches on the self-system theory proposed by Harry Stack Sullivan.

Transcripts Copyright © Sam Vaknin 2010-2024, under license to William DeGraaf
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