
Vaknin Talks

Full transcripts of Sam Vaknin's videos

YOLO Psychopaths vs. WOLF Narcissists

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the trilateral model of the psyche, consisting of the id, ego, and superego. He emphasizes that the superego is a part of the ego and plays a role in reality testing and socialization. Without a functioning ego and superego, individuals may lose reality testing and act on base desires without considering consequences, leading to antisocial behavior. Vaknin also explores the psychological phenomena of impulse control, disinhibition, and attentional narrowing in narcissists and psychopaths, linking them to reactive attachment disorder. He highlights the impact of rising narcissism and psychopathy on society, leading to a culture that glorifies lack of impulse control and disinhibition, and the subsequent challenges faced by victims and targets of narcissists and psychopaths.

Don't Be Ambitious, Be MOTIVATED!

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the concept of ambition, distinguishing it from motivation. He argues that ambition is a form of externalized social control, conditioning individuals to conform to societal norms and expectations. Ambition is characterized by counterfactual thinking, compulsivity, and a focus on external validation and recognition. In contrast, motivation is an internal drive that leads to personal growth and fulfillment. Vaknin emphasizes the negative impact of ambition on individual autonomy and mental health, cautioning against its detrimental effects. He advocates for motivation over ambition as a healthier approach to achieving personal goals and fulfillment.

Introduction to Chronon Field Theory (Vaknin-Suchard)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the Cronon Field Theory, which he proposed in his PhD dissertation in 1984. The theory went dormant for 30 years until Eitan Sachet recast it in geometric terms. The theory posits that time is yielded by interactions of Cronons, which are time elementary particles. The theory also suggests that the entire universe is essentially a quantum machine or device, and it provides a single basic assumption that gives rise to all known physics and provides falsifiable predictions.

Male Victims Don’t Cry: Real Men=No Pain!

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the misconception that there are fewer male victims of abuse and trauma. He argues that men are equally as likely to be victims of narcissistic abuse and other forms of abuse as women, but they are victimized differently. Men are less likely to admit to being victimized and traumatized due to societal perceptions of weakness and vulnerability. There is an attribution error in society where women are seen as victims without blame, while men are often blamed for their abuse. This asymmetry makes it difficult for men to come forward and share their experiences of trauma and abuse.

Envy is Destructive Narcissism (Jealousy, Romantic Jealousy are NOT)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the destructive nature of envy, distinguishing it from jealousy and romantic jealousy. Envy is driven by shame, humiliation, and the idealization of the envied person, leading to a need for control and ultimately destruction of the envied object. Envy is linked to narcissism and aggression, and its resolution is the destruction of the envied object. Vaknin emphasizes the urgent need to address envy as a root cause of mental illness and societal conflicts.

Magnetic Narcissists: Pathological Charisma

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the concept of the charismatic magnetic narcissist, a type of narcissism that combines post-traumatic, reactive, and societal elements. He explains how the charismatic magnetic narcissist uses trauma, attention-seeking behavior, and conformity to societal norms to bond with and influence others. He also delves into the connection between narcissism and charisma, and how charisma can be compensatory for the narcissist's sense of absence. Additionally, he explores the group dynamics and practical outcomes of charisma, ultimately linking charisma to narcissism.

20 Ways to Provoke the Narcissist to Meltdown, Tantrum, Apoplexy

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses how to infuriate a narcissist by using specific sentences that challenge their grandiose self-perception. He explains that statements like "I agree with you," "I won't do it," or "Do you need some help?" can trigger a narcissistic injury and lead to rage. Vaknin emphasizes that narcissists view themselves as unique and superior, and any suggestion of equality or criticism can enrage them. He also warns against trying to empathize or compliment a narcissist, as it may be perceived as an insult. Ultimately, Vaknin advises against engaging with narcissists, as their fragile egos make communication akin to navigating a minefield.

Jews Hated by Woke Left and Alt-right Alike (with Conor Ryan, Eyes Wide Open)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the complex issues of anti-Semitism, the identity of being Jewish, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. He highlights the historical and ongoing challenges Jews face, both in Israel and the diaspora, and the varying experiences of Jews depending on their geographic upbringing. Vaknin also touches on the concept of Jewishness as both a racial/biological and cultural/religious identity. He criticizes the Israeli response to the October 7th attacks and suggests that Israel's actions are endangering Jews worldwide by fueling anti-Semitism. He calls for humility and compromise as the way forward for Israel, emphasizing that power does not gain respect, but compromise and respecting others does.

How to Cope with 3 Types of Narcissism (with Dr. Ahmed Fouad, Starts 05:30)

Professor Sam Vaknin discussed narcissism, its origins, and its impact on individuals and society. He emphasized that narcissism is a post-traumatic condition and a survival strategy, and that society rewards narcissistic behaviors. He also explained the special relationship between narcissists and borderlines, and the concept of interjection. In terms of treatment, he mentioned that no treatment modality has been effective with narcissism and proposed a therapy called "therapy" that involves retraumatization. He also provided strategies for dealing with narcissists and protecting children from their behavior. Finally, he expressed the need for peace and collaboration in the Middle East.

Isolophilia: Healthy Love of Solitude (Solophilia)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the concept of "isophilia," which refers to the love of solitude as a lifestyle choice. He distinguishes isophilia from mental health issues such as depression, narcissism, and schizoid personality disorder. Isophilia is described as a healthy choice, rooted in the preference for solitude due to the perceived shortcomings of social interactions. However, society often misunderstands and imposes its expectations on isophiles, leading to defensive and dysfunctional behaviors. Despite the challenges, isophilia is presented as a legitimate and adaptive behavioral strategy.

Transcripts Copyright © Sam Vaknin 2010-2024, under license to William DeGraaf
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