So, as opposed to other psychologists, I'm not an elitist. Anyone can come to the seminar and listen. Not everyone can receive a certificate. A certificate is reserved for professionals or people with practice. But anyone can come and listen.
So I have no problem with that. Some knowledge from the mass media is helpful. But even that is not needed, because I'm going to start from zero and describe all the history of the concept and the various theories over the years and so on. Then I'm going to teach the 25 proprietary techniques, techniques that are unique to Cold Therapyand the philosophy behind these techniques, because Cold Therapy is the exact opposite of all other therapies. It uses principles that all other therapies consider wrong principles.
But because all other therapies failed, I reached a conclusion that these principles are actually the right principles, logically.
SoI'm going to teach the techniques. I'm going to teach the philosophy behind the techniques. That is level one.
Then we move on to level two and three.
Level two and three is essentially practice. So case studies, simulations in the class, and so on and so forth. But also expansion of narcissism into other mental health disorders, which have a very strong component of narcissism, like borderline personality disorder and others.
Sogiving the participants, the professionals among the participants, the tools to apply Cold Therapy actually, wherever they think could help. Maybe they see a borderline patient who is clearly narcissisticand narcissistic borderline. Maybe they would like to apply it there.
The Cold Therapy also works very well with major depression. Somany therapists will not use it from us. They would use it for major depression. The reason it works well with major depression is that the depression is also post-traumatic condition. Cold Therapy is a treatment for post trauma. Narcissism happens to be post trauma. Soit works. Depression is post trauma. It works. Whatever is post traumatic, Cold Therapy should work. It's a tough discipline because narcissism are sometimes, they refuse to change. Sowe have to force them to change. Soit's very, very much like a military boot camp. It's very challenging.
And the narcissist goes through an extremely difficult period, especially in level one. And then after the therapy for quite a long time, a few months, goes through a very extremely difficult period.
Sowhat Cold Therapy is very simple. We break the narcissist to pieces, absolutely to pieceslike Lego, and we put it back together differently. That is a painful process, very similar to surgery, but let's call it all, all, all soul surgery. Everything is under surgery in Cold Therapy. Sothat's more or less it. Whatever else, even if the person attending the seminar has no intention to use Cold Therapy, it's exposure to a new way of considering therapy, new philosophy, new approach. Cold Therapy borrows non-proprietary techniques, borrows techniquesfrom close to 40 other therapies.
In this sense, Cold Therapy is compendium of all the known therapies in a way. It's like the mother of therapies, like a therapy that comprises all other therapiesplus 25 degrees, unique to Cold Therapy.
Soeven as introduction to psychotherapy, the seminar is a kind of introduction to psychotherapy.
SoI believe that people would benefit from attendingalmost regardless of their motivation. As long as they have an interest in psychology, they will benefitbecause Cold Therapy is the cutting edge. It's the latest in psychotherapy, latest in our understanding of many, many topics in psychologyand provides hope for some problems which were considered intractable and untreatable.
That's it. I think hope is worth attendance.
As a last question, do you think that there's any way how we canor anyone can convince a narcissistic to come and attend your seminarand then what kind of therapy, what kind of things a narcissist could take from them if they decide to come and attend?
A narcissist would not attend the seminarnor...