Good morning, everyone. What time is it?
It's time to study the Cronon Field Theory.
My name is Sam Wagner, and I'm the father of the theory. I proposed a theory in my PhD dissertation in 1984. The PhD thesis is available via the Library of Congress and United Microfish International UMI, which I believe has been absorbed by ProQuest, but I'm not quite sure.
The Cronon Field Theory went through two phases. Stage one, my PhD, and then 30 years with no responses and no reactions, and it just went dormant. Then, about 10 years ago, Eitan Sacharow discovered my work and recast it in geometric terms. My original thesis was algebraic, and he of course developed it beyond recognition, and the Cronon Field Theory is as much his as mine and possibly more his than mine.
Today, I would like to give you an overview of both my work and Sacharow's work.
Now, physicists would benefit from this video the most. Laymen would find it a lot more difficult, but it does contain philosophical nuggets. The philosophy of Cronon Field Theory is very unusual.
I don't want to tout my horn, but I'm getting used to it, so I would say it's groundbreaking.
Okay, without further ado, to my coffee and to the Cronon Field Theory.
In my work, Cronons are time quarks, the time elementary particles.
Now, there's nothing new about this. This has been proposed 200-250 years ago, and numerous physicists have worked along these lines. Some of them regarded Cronons as durations. Some of them regarded Cronons as real particles.
In my work, Cronons are real particles. They are quarks.
The interactions of Cronons yield what we know as time. Not time with a small t, which is the time measured by clocks, but time with a capital T, the concept of time, the dimension, if you wish.
It is yielded by Cronons interacting, because there are various types of Cronons in my work. They are like quarks, you know, up, down, etc.
The interactions between the various types also give rise to the time arrow. There is a cancellation of time going on, and what's left is the time asymmetry.
Hence, the title of my work, Time Asymmetry Revisited.
What about space time? Space time exists where the Cronon wave function collapses. Space time is an outcome of a collapse of a wave function.
The whole theory rests on a duality. The basic duality in quantum mechanics is the wave particle duality. The basic duality in Cronon field theory is the potential event duality.
Potentials and actual events or actualized events are facets of the same underlying unity, if not entity. This duality is crucial to the development of the theory.
Now, because events and potentials are one and the same in the Cronon field theory, there are no particles. Particles are replaced by strings of collapse events. Particles actually are events in Cronon field theory.
That's why it's a time-oriented theory. Its basic building blocks are events and potentials for events rather than particles. The quantum mechanics of the theory is a quantum mechanics of events as well, not of particles.
This is the introductory part. We'll go deeper in a bit.
Now, the Cronon field is a field of events or perturbations, if you wish. It's a perturbative theory. It's a theory of perturbations.
Time with a small t is the outcome of interactions in the time field, in the field of time with a capital T.
And so, Cronons are both potentials and actualized events.
There is an open question, what causes the actualization? Do Cronons self-actualize? Are they observer-dependent? In other words, is there a kind of Copenhagen interpretation of Cronon field theory? Is there a need for an observer to collapse the wave function? Or is the collapse spontaneous, internally determined somehow?
Be that as it may, the theory does not require gauge fields, as physicists among you surely have understood by now. And although gauge fields are not required, they emerge naturally in higher accelerations.
Now, time space, as I said, is the outcome of the collapse of a wave function. I don't know. No one can answer whether there's a mediation of an observer, whether the end observer collapses the wave function.
But of course, you can immediately see the religious implications. Because if the entire universe, if space-time, is a collapse of a wave function, and if the collapse is dependent upon an observer, that observer, universal observer, might as well be called God.
It is ironic that an agnostic like me has led to God in his work.
But as I said, there are no assurances that the whole process is observer-mediated.
What is postulated in my thesis is that all chronons have been entangled at the moment of the Big Bang. There is a kind of universal, a universe-wide entanglement of all chronons.
In other words, all potentials and all actualized events are entangled ab initio, from the very beginning.
This has enormous implications because it implies that the entire universe is essentially a quantum machine or a quantum device. And if it is, then our understanding of it currently is deeply flawed.
The theory gives rise to the equivalence of quantum field theories and so on and so forth.
So the quantum field theory of chronon field theory is relativistic. Actually, in this sense, it's deterministic.
The chronons are the field quanta, the quanta of the field. They are the excited states of the field.
And the integration of everything is via quantum superpositions.
It's quite a mouthful, but physicists among you would surely understand.
I indicated that chronon field theory is perturbative, as perturbations. So there is a perturbative quantum field theory.
Time from the Big Bang is mediated by chronons. There is an expansion, including an expansion of the metric.
You could even conceive of the whole thing as a phonon of the metric. Time is a phonon of the metric.
And there are many ways to look at time through the chronon field theory. There are no bound states in any case.
The excitations that I've mentioned, the states of the chronons, they are stochastic perturbances. They are kinds of vibrations, if you wish.
And in this sense, there's an affinity between superstring theories and chronon field theory.
But as distinct from superstring theories, in chronon field theory, there's no need for extra dimensions, which renders chronon field theory a lot more grounded and a lot more easily falsifiable. It yields falsifiable predictions.
While many superstring theories are lacking when it comes to yielding falsifiable predictions.
Now, the cumulative perturbances that I mentioned create a distortion of space time. And this is what we know as curvature.
These are the basics, the philosophical basics of the theory. And they've all been proposed in my PhD thesis in 1984.
And then, as I said, there was a hiatus of about 30 years.
And then Eitan Satchit, who is nothing short of a genius in my view, came on the scene. And his contributions have transformed chronon field theory.
First of all, he afforded it a distinct geometric or visualization dynamic, which was missing, totally abstract and algebraic, therefore very limited.
And the second thing he did, he added numerous insights and literally transformed it beyond recognition, I would say. It's perhaps much more his work than mine.
Satchit suggested that there is a universal scalar field of time. But time is not a universal coordinate.
He says that particles interacting within non gravitational fields are seen as clocks, whose trajectory is not Minkowski geodesic.
So in my work, chronons are ideal clocks, and they mediate time. The relationship between chronons and time is like a relationship between the Higgs boson and mass. That's in my work.
But in Satchit's work, he goes a lot deeper. And he says that a field in which a small enough clock is not geodesic can be described by a scalar field of time with nonzero curvature gradients.
Scalar field is either real acceleration of charged matter, neutral clocks, or imaginary acceleration of Majorana type matter clocks.
Be that as it may, it preserves the scalar nature of time. The scalar field adds information to space time.
This information is not anticipated by the metric tensor alone. And the time in this case cannot be realized as a coordinate, because it cannot be measured from a reference sub-manifold along different curves.
There's a lot of math in this. There's manifolds and lie algebras and so on so forth.
Those of you who would like to review the math, there's a link in the description. Click on it and you will be exposed to my math and Eitan Satchit's math in various papers, published in various academic journals and so on so forth. You're invited to download them, review the math and please alert us to any errors, any mistakes in thinking, any mistakes in calculations and so on so forth. We are looking forward to input. We are hungry for input actually.
So the non-geodesic alignment is attributed to electromagnetism, electromagnetic phenomena.
Both the mass and the electric charge, in this case, generate gravity. We'll come to it in a minute. It's a very controversial aspect of Eitan Satchit's work.
Charge, unlike inertial mass, is coupled to a non-geodesic vector field, but they both yield gravity. Again, I will come to it in a minute.
So only the entire energy momentum tensor has vanishing divergence.
Misalignment of physically accessible events in an observer's space-time plus gravity is a controlling response by volumetric contraction of the observer's space-time in the direction where events bend or are accelerated.
Put together, this gives the main pillar of Satchit's work.
Satchit's work yields literally all of known physics from these basic assumptions, mine and later his. The entire field of physics can be derived and is derived.
Anything from particle mass ratios, fine structure constant, the physical meaning of three defoliation, Bekenstein, Hawking, entropy, to area constant, acceleration field strain, Q, I mean, quantum mechanics and everything comes, emerges naturally out of the theory, which is an excellent indication, I think, it's an indication that the theory is onto something and touches upon some foundational basic facet of existence, of reality.
Okay, in Satchit's work, in Big Bang Manifold, the field is the upper limit on measurable time by interacting clocks.
So he goes from each event to the singularity as a limit and that yields fascinating outcomes.
I again encourage you to go to the link in the description to download the papers and read them. They are not only mathematically sophisticated, but they are, I think in all these papers, there's a lot of philosophical, how to put it without sounding too grandiose, philosophical alternatives, shall we say, which are thought provoking, in my view, and I'm not only referring to my work, actually referring mostly to Satchit's work.
In the sitter, anti-sitter space time, the reference sub-manifold from which time is measured along integral curves, they constitute all the events in which the scalar field is zero.
Matter in the Einstein-Grossman equation is replaced by action of acceleration field, the action of the acceleration field. So it's geometric action, not foreseen by the metric alone.
As I said, this is Eitan's major contribution, the geometrization of the whole thing. It's a theory of causal sets, in effect. Space time exists where the chronon wave function collapses. Particles are replaced by strings of collapse events.
There's a quantum theory of events, not of particles, again reverting to my original work in 1984.
I mentioned that there is a part of Eitan's work which is controversial, even in my eyes, and which is not mentioned in my original work, nor does it emerge from it.
But Eitan's geometric development of the work, plus input from many other scientists and physicists around the world, led Eitan to the following.
This new formation of matter in Eitan's work replaces the stress-energy momentum tensor. Positive charge manifests attracting gravity and stronger repelling acceleration field, which repels even uncharged particles that measure proper time. In other words, particles that have a rest mass. Negative charge manifests repelling anti-gravity in stronger acceleration field that attracts even uncharged particles.
Now this, of course, accounts for dark matter, dark energy, and all, but it also yields a startling prediction about electrogravity, about the interchange between gravity and electric charge.
There's even a patent granted to Eitan, such based on this discovery. It's very controversial, and the interchange between electric charge and gravity is not entirely clear. In my view, there's a lot more work to be done, but it's more robust and rigorous than one would have assumed.
In other words, it breaks through the prejudices of previous mathematical theories and forces you, forces me, for example, as a physicist, to contemplate it, to think whether it's true.
If it is true, it's one of the greatest technological breakthroughs ever. It means that we could convert gravity to electricity and vice versa. We could develop anti-gravity, and so on and so forth. I will not go into all this.
Sounds out, begins with sounds, a lot like science fiction.
Chromon field theory is a major theoretical reconception of physics as a way to understand reality. It dispenses with secondary properties. Everything emerges from essentially a single basic underlying assumption.
Potentials are events. Everything is events. They're not particles. They're only events. Quantum theory of events. Space-time is a collapse of a wave function, probability.
In other words, potentials. And space-time as an event is also a potential because it remains in a superposition state until an eventual collapse. The collapse is mediated via an observer or spontaneous and self-generating. That's besides the point.
And it's a lot more, I would say, philosophical. It's a lot more philosophy than physics.
But everything is about possibilities, probabilities. Even events, which in classical quantum mechanics and so on and so forth, are distinguished from probabilities. Even particles, which in classical quantum mechanics and so on and so forth, are distinguished from probabilities.
In chronon field theory, they are probabilities. Our existence, therefore, is a potential. Now the potential manifests becomes an actualized event, but the distinction is spurious and unnecessary in the chronon field theory.
This single basic assumption gives rise to all of physics as we know it.
While in other theories in physics, there are multiple suppositions and assumptions and entities, a multiplication of entities. Even in the simplest theories, for example, special relativity, or there's still half a dozen, if not a dozen, entities.
It's a strong indicator that something is wrong with these theories. There's no parsimony. Occam's razor.
A theory of everything would be based on a single principle and perhaps a single entity, for sure. Simplicity, aesthetics, beauty, symmetry are built into reality.
The chronon field theory, to the best of my knowledge, is the closest we've ever gotten to this, because it has a single assumption, not even an entity, just a single assumption. And yet it yields all known physics and provides falsifiable predictions.
I hope it gets taken by the physics community, analyzed, possibly debunked and falsified. That's the way of science.
But it deserves attention. I'm saying this not on behalf of myself. I'm far removed. My last contributions have to do mostly with the mathematics of the theory.
But I'm saying this on behalf of science itself. I think there's a challenging idea here, and I think it should not be neglected. It should be looked into.
Thank you for listening.