There is no comorbidity more creepy and ill understood than the schizoid malignant narcissist.
To remind you, a malignant narcissist is someone who could be diagnosed simultaneously as a narcissist, a psychopath, and a sadist. The delectable concoction.
And so some malignant narcissists are also schizoid.
Schizoid personality disorder is an affliction which renders interpersonal relationships almost impossible. There's no interest in having interactions with other people, not even in sex.
So put the three together, malignant narcissism, which is again, narcissism, psychopathy and sadism, coupled with a schizoid personality, and you have a veritable oxymoron, a contradiction in terms, because narcissism by definition involves dependence on other people for narcissistic supply, input and feedback from the outside, which allows for internal regulation, internal regulation of a sense of self-worth and sometimes of emotions and moods similar to borderline personality disorder.
So the narcissist is a junkie of attention. The narcissist is addicted to attention. And attention comes only from other people.
In other words, the narcissist is dependent on other people.
And on the other hand, schizoids find any protracted interaction with other people excruciate. They hate to be in contact, definitely meaningful contact, emotionally infused contact with other people.
And so there's a contradiction here. There's a dynamic clash, an internal conflict that is very difficult to resolve.
Schizoid malignant narcissists usually obtain narcissistic supply impersonally, for example, virtually, online. They try to avoid interpersonal interactions face to face in the flesh, so to speak.
They try to construct environments where they are self-sufficient. They can, for example, make a living, at the same time they can garner attention, adulation, and admiration from anonymous sources, from people they don't know, they've never met, and would never communicate with.
And so this is virtual narcissistic supply. And this is a typical setup or setting of the schizoid malignant narcissist's life.
It's a constricted life in the sense that it does not involve any meaningful exchanges with other human beings. And it does involve interactions with symbols on the screen, pixels, representations of human beings, which are very reminiscent of representations of people within the narcissist mind, the internal objects.
So the schizoid malignant narcissist interacts with external emanations and manifestations of internal objects in the form of images on the screen or likes or followers or whatever.
In many ways, this is a form of self-supply. And schizoid malignant narcissists are very adept at regulating their flow of supply by self-supplying.
They rely on self-supply much more than other types of narcissists who rely typically on other people for supply. Self-supply in schizoid malignant narcissism is not only a stopgap measure, it's a preference. It's regulated, it's controllable, it's safe, it's predictable, it's as rich as you can make it.
It's a fount of nurturance that the schizoid malignant narcissist finds infinitely preferable to having to kind of wade through relationships with other people.
Relations with other people in the schizoid malignant narcissist's mind resemble a swamp, which you have to kind of wade through. And there's always a risk of being sucked in and drowning.
The schizoid malignant narcissist would rather protect himself or defend himself behind the screen, behind the glass, brightly if you wish, and harvest attention in a variety of highly impersonal ways.
But life, such as it is, forces one to be in touch with other people. Even the most dedicated, devout hermit in a monastery in Shangri-Laultimately has to come across the pizza delivery guy.
Life intrudes and its agents, other beings all over the place, it's very difficult to avoid contact completely. Ultimately you need to buy groceries, usually you need to pay bills. I mean one way or another you're going to end up face to face with this dread, another human being.
When in touch with other people, even out of choice, the schizoid malignant narcissists becomes inordinately psychopathic and sadistic.
He is annoyed, he's irritated, he is contemptuous, and he is hateful, and he externalizes aggression.
There are several reasons to this abrupt transition from a benign, docile presence behind the screen, to a raving lunatic and maniac, hateful, with blazing eyes, psychopath and a sadist, merciless, ruthless, callous and revels in pain and hurt that he causes others. This very, very abrupt transition has several fountain heads, several number one.
It's partly intended to accomplish goals.
In the absence of narcissistic supply, the malignant narcissist resorts to sadistic supply.
And the schizoid malignant narcissists actually prefers sadistic supply in face-to-face encounters because he's angry at having been coerced, having been forced, to interact with people in the flesh.
So every meeting, every encounter, every physical exchange, everything is perceived by the schizoid malignant narcissist as an imposition, an imposition, coercosition, coercion, brutal invasion and intrusion. There's a lot of resentment, a lot of rage, a lot of anger they involve.
So the schizoid malignant narcissists is much more likely to become sadistic in his or her encounters with other people, much more likely than the typical malignant narcissists, let alone the run of the meal, overt or covert narcissists.
The risk of escalating potentially dangerous sadism in schizoid malignant narcissism is much higher, the highest actually, in all the variants, among all the variants of narcissism, because there is this rage of having been forced to be in touch with people and because sadistic supply feels absolutely so good that it trumps any other form of pleasure.
The schizoid malignant narcissists would self-sacrifice, self-defeat and self-destruct just in order to experience the elation and the exaltation of having hurt or damaged another person.
And so sadistic supply is preferred to narcissistic supply. Narcissistic supply is obtained indirectly impersonally as I said via means of technology and sadistic supply is face to face encounters.
And so the sadistic conduct of schizoid malignant narcissists in face-to-face encounters is utilitarian, it's goal-oriented. The goal is sadistic supply.
The second reason is punishment. This is punitive. Punitive sadism.
The schizoid malignant narcissists wants to punish people for having imposed on his time, for having invaded his personal space, for having consumed his scarce resources.
They deserve punishment. They are far inferior to him, and yet they forced him to their level.
And so they deserve to be penalized they deserve to endure some penance.
And the sadism or the sadistic eruptions or burst outbursts they are intended to punish the people who force themselves upon the presence of the schizoid malignant narcissists.
And finally, sadism pushes people away.
Gradually, the schizoid malignant narcissists acquires such a reputation that people shun him, avoid him at all costs.
So the sadism serves to restore the schizoid state and to vouchsafe, to guarantee, or to firewall the schizoid space.
They feed each other. The schizoid malignant narcissism and psychopathy, they're helpful in generating the kind of environment and the kind of conditions that allow the schizoid malignant narcissists to ultimately remain all alone, incommunicado, no contact with anyone, no friends, no family, nothing, a total loner, which is the optimal and much desired fantasy of the schizoid malignant narcissists. It's a dream come true.
The sadism and the psychopathy are kind of behavior modification techniques.
Communicating to the human environment, stay away. Let me be.
Sadism creates and maintains the schizoid space.
In many ways, sadism has many manifestations, many expressions in many ways.
When the schizoid malignant narcissist is in a relationship, and what they define as relationships is nothing you would recognize, when they are in contact with another person who is the equivalent of aservice provider, the four S's, sex, services, supply, sadistic and narcissistic, and safety.
So when they cohabit with someone, when they share the same space, mental or physical, with someone who is essentially a service provider, they become highly possessive and jealous but the possessiveness and jealousy has nothing to do with the fear of loss because the internet service provider is interchangeable and dispensable you you are utterly disposable it's not about fear of loss it's about gotcha gotcha like i'm possessive i'm jealous it's a kind of entrapment entrapment which is intended to sadistically taunt you and torture you and to push you to misbehave so that ultimately you justify the foresight and the omniscience of the schizoid malignant narcissists.
It's a form of sadism. There's no real jealousy there because would you care if your internet service provider caters to other clients?
Of course you do. You don't. You don't care.
It's the same with the schizoid malignant narcissists. He doesn't care if his intimate partner is intimate with others. She's a service provider. Obviously she could have other clients. That's not a problem.
But he is going to impose on her strictures, edicts, rules of conduct, surveillance, and he's going to create a situation which communicates possessiveness and jealousy, but actually is a form of micromanagement and coercive control.
Another form of sadism is called empathy, scanning the partner or other people for vulnerabilities and then leveraging these vulnerabilities, pushing the buttons, hurting where it, you know, hitting where it hurts.
So vulnerabilities.
And then there's setting up for failure, unrealistic expectations, standards that can never be met, reciprocity that is too ideal, no one can match it.
And so these are all intended to set partner or the friend or whoever up for failure
The problem with the malignant narcissists is the mixed signals the dual messaging on the one hand the narcissistic part in the schizoid malignant narcissism pushes the individual, pushes the schizoid malignant narcissists to approach people in order to extract supply in order to enjoy inflicting pain on them degrading them, in order to be aroused by degrading and hurting other people. There's a need for other people.
On the other hand, the schizoid part pulls the individual away.
So there's an approach avoidance repetition, compulsion here. There's approach in order to benefit from human company and human touch, buttress grandiosity, share a fantasy, obtain narcissistic supply, etc.
And then the schizoid part rebels, the schizoid partpulls the narcissist back.
And in order to maintain the schizoid space and to restore the schizoid state, the schizoid malignant narcissists uses sadism to push people away and to establish the periphery, the firewall periphery of his or her existence this could be extremely confusing and hurtful and potentially even dangerous and that's why this particular hybrid this comorbidity to my mind is the most complex of them all and I will dedicate to it a few more videos in the future.