Accomplished , super rich, super powerful narcissists, visible narcissists, overt, grandiose narcissists, no debate, no disagreement. Everyone agrees that they are narcissists.
But they deserve special treatment, they are entitled.
In your private life, you may consider narcissists to be monsters, you may castigate and chastise them, criticize them, suggest all kinds of horrible tortures, but when it comes to these accomplished super rich and super powerful narcissists, you turn a blind eye.
Because they have the right to be grandiose. They have the right to abuse other people. They are forgiven because of their alleged or real contributions to society.
Their grandiosity is not fantastic because it is grounded in real life achievements.
These narcissists are perceived as benevolent. Shockingly, they're perceived as benevolent. They're perceived as protective. They're perceived as friendly.
Why this double standard? Why are there two classes of narcissists?
And this is why I'm aghast when people make a distinction between useful, helpful, admirable narcissists and all other narcissists.
You see victims of narcissists online, castigating narcissists, chastising them, criticizing them, attacking them, hating on them, and then admiring other narcissists who are powerful, rich, and accomplished.
So it seems like there are two classes of narcissists.
There's the humdrum pedestrian narcissists and they are monsters and they are evil and they are to be extirpated and they are to be obliterated and eliminated and incarcerated.
And then there's a small elite of narcissists. These are the super rich narcissists, the super powerful narcissists, the super accomplished narcissists. Or those narcissists who manage their public relations and image so well that they become admired and adored, gurus, public intellectuals and so on.
And these narcissists, for some reason, are special. They're exempt. They have the right to be grandiose. They have the right to abuse other people. They're accepted. They're perfectly okay. They're forgiven because of their alleged real contributions to society.
The grandiosity of these narcissists is not perceived as fantastic because it is grounded in real life achievements.
These real life achievements, real or imagined, by the way, give them the right to abuse people. They are forgiven.
And this is really bad.
This attitude of discriminating between classes of narcissists is really bad as far as the victims go because it allows the narcissists access to the victim's psyche.
And most of these accomplished super rich, super powerful narcissists are actually malignant narcissists. They're psychopaths as well as narcissists.
You have been warned.