
Stalker Psychology

Uploaded 5/19/2011, approx. 3 minute read

My name is Sam Vaknin. I am the author of Malignant Self-Love, Narcissism Revisited. Abused by proxy continues long after the relationship is officially over, at least as far as one of the parties is concerned.

The majority of abusers get the message, however belatedly and reluctantly.

Yet there is a minority of abusers, the more vindictive and obsessed ones, who continue to hunt and hunt their ex-spousers for years to come.

These are, of course, the stalkers.

Most stalkers are what the scholars Zona and Gerberth call simple obsessional, or as Malignant Path put it, the rejected ones.

They stalk their prey as a way of maintaining the dissolved relationship, at least in their diseased minds.

They seek to punish their quarry for refusing to collaborate in the charade and for resisting their unwanted and ominous intentions.

Many of them are erotomaniac. Such stalkers come from all walks of life and cut across social, racial, gender and cultural barriers.

They usually suffer from one or more co-morbid personality disorders. They may have anger management or emotional issues, and they usually abuse drugs or alcohol or both.

Stalkers are typically lonely, violent and intermittently unemployed, but they are rarely full-fledged criminals.

Contrary to myths perpetrated by the mass media, studies show that most stalkers are men. They have high IQs, advanced degrees, and they are middle-aged.

This has been proven in studies such as Maloy and Gothar in 1995 and Morrison in 2001.

Rejected stalkers are intrusive and inordinately persistent. They recognize no boundaries, personal or legal. They honor no contracts, and they pursue the targets for years.

They interpret rejection as a sign of the victim's continued interest and obsession with them.

They are therefore impossible to get rid of.

Many of them are narcissists and thus lack empathy, voluminence and immune to the consequences of their actions and suffer from serious cognitive deficits in a deteriorating reality test.

Even so, some stalkers are possessed of an uncanny ability to psychologically penetrate other people.

Often, this gift, which I call cold empathy, is abused and put in the service of their controlled sadism.

Stalking and the ability to mete out justice makes them feel omnipotent, powerful and vindicated.

When arrested, they often act the victim and attribute their actions to self-defense and to what they call righting wrongs.

Stalkers are emotionally labile and present with rigid and infantile primitive defense mechanisms, splitting, projection, projective identification, denial, intellectualization and narcissism.

These type of stalkers devalue and dehumanize their victims and thus justify the harassment or diminish it.

From here, it is only one step to violent conduct.

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Coping with Stalkers: Psychopaths, Narcissists, Paranoids, Erotomaniacs

Stalkers come in different types, including erotomaniac, narcissistic, paranoid, and anti-social or psychopathic. Coping techniques suited to one type of stalker may backfire or prove to be futile with another. The best coping strategy is to first identify the type of abuser you are faced with. It is essential to avoid all contact with your stalker, but being evaded only inflames the stalker's wrath and enhances his frustration.

Body Language of Narcissistic and Psychopathic Abuser

Abusers exhibit distinct body language that conveys superiority and entitlement, often maintaining a haughty posture while demanding special treatment and privileges. They oscillate between idealizing and devaluing others, displaying exaggerated admiration or hostility based on their perceived status. Abusers are characterized by a self-centered narrative, frequently using language that emphasizes their own achievements while showing little interest in others. Their serious demeanor and lack of empathy allow them to manipulate social interactions, often masking their dysfunction and abusive behavior from the outside world.

Psychopathic Bully and Stalker

Stalking is a crime and stalkers are criminals, yet the horrid consequences of stalking are often underestimated. Many criminals, and therefore many stalkers, suffer from personality disorders, most prevalently the antisocial personality disorder, formerly known as psychopathy. Psychopaths regard other people as objects to be manipulated, in instruments of gratification and utility. The best coping strategy is to convince the psychopath that messing with your life or with your nearest is going to cost him dearly.

Erotomanic Stalker

The erotomaniac stalker believes they are in love with their victim and will go to great lengths to prove their devotion, including making legal, financial, and emotional decisions for the victim without their consent. They ignore personal boundaries and intrude on privacy, and may even force themselves on the victim sexually. Coping strategies include ignoring the stalker, not responding to any communication, returning gifts, and avoiding any contact with the stalker. Any contact with the stalker is seen as a sign of love, so it is best to avoid them completely.

Narcissist's Reactions to Abandonment, Separation, and Divorce

Narcissistic abusers often resort to self-delusion when faced with the dissolution of a meaningful relationship. They may adopt a masochistic avoidance solution, punishing themselves for their failure, or construct a delusional narrative in which they are the hero. Some may become antisocial psychopaths, while others develop persecutory delusions and withdraw completely from social contact, becoming schizoids. Finally, some abusers resort to an aggressive stance, becoming verbally, psychologically, and sometimes physically abusive towards loved ones.

Spot a Narcissist or a Psychopath on Your First Date

There are warning signs to identify abusers and narcissists early on in a relationship. One of the first signs is the abuser's tendency to blame others for their mistakes and failures. Other signs include hypersensitivity, eagerness to commit, controlling behavior, patronizing and condescending manner, and devaluing the partner. Abusers may also idealize their partner, have sadistic sexual fantasies, and switch between abusive and loving behavior. Paying attention to body language can also reveal warning signs.

Paranoid Stalker Ex

An abusive ex may cope with separation by spreading falsehoods and seeking to isolate their victim socially, aiming to manipulate them into returning. Abusers often exhibit primitive defense mechanisms and may resort to self-delusion, making them dangerous and unpredictable. The best strategy for coping with such individuals is to minimize contact, adhere strictly to legal mandates, and avoid engaging in any unnecessary interactions. Treat the abuser as a threat, recognizing that they lack empathy and cannot be negotiated with or reformed.

Abuse By Proxy

Abusers often manipulate third parties, such as friends, family, and authorities, to exert control over their victims, using these individuals as unwitting accomplices in their abusive tactics. They create scenarios that provoke social condemnation against the victim, effectively turning society into a tool for their abuse. Victims are frequently portrayed negatively due to the abuser's charm and manipulation, leading others to misinterpret the dynamics of the relationship. Additionally, the abuser can exploit systemic structures, such as therapists and legal authorities, to further isolate and discredit the victim, often using children as leverage in the process.

The Abuser's Mind

Abusers suffer from dissociation, a mild form of multiple personality, and often have a dichotomy between their behavior at home and in public. They view their victims as two-dimensional representations, devoid of emotions and needs, and convert them into their own worldview. Abusers are often narcissists with low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence, and abuse is bred by fear of being mocked or betrayed. There are various forms of manipulation that constitute verbal and emotional abuse, including withholding, countering, discounting, blocking, blaming, and accusing.

Abusive Ex Leverages Children Against You

Abusive ex-partners often use their children to manipulate and control their former partners. They may co-opt their children into aiding and abetting their abusive conduct, using them as bargaining chips or leverage. The abuser may emotionally blackmail the children, threatening to withhold love and affection if they do not comply with their demands. The abuser may also pervert the system, using therapies, marriage counselors, mediators, court-appointed guardians, police officers, and even judges to pathologize the victim and separate them from their sources of emotional sustenance.

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