
Vaknin Talks

Full transcripts of Sam Vaknin's videos

Psychopath’s “Karma” Confirmed in Study (Patrick’s Triarchic Model, Hyperarousal)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the link between psychopathy and anxiety, emphasizing that psychopathy is a condition of hyperarousal and overreactivity to anxiety and fear. He introduces a recent study on the personal cost of psychopathy, which examines the impacts of psychopathic traits on internalizing and life satisfaction. The study finds that disinhibition is the most impairing trait, while boldness varies in its effects and meanness is primarily related to interpersonal difficulties. Vaknin highlights the complexity and nuance of psychopathy, challenging the notion of psychopaths as purely bad and emphasizing the need for further research and understanding of the condition.

TEST YOURSELF: Shadow's Complexes - Which Ones Have YOU Got?

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses various psychological complexes, including the Martyr complex, Persecution complex, Brother-Sister complex, Casanova complex, Don Juan complex, God complex, Guilt complex, Hero or Saviour complex, Inferiority complex, Oedipus complex, Electra complex, Parental complex, and Romulus and Remus complexes. He explains the origins and characteristics of each complex, linking them to childhood experiences and psychological issues. Vaknin emphasizes that it is rare to find someone without any complex and encourages the audience to identify the complex that is most typical of them.

Complexes: Your Shadow’s Double Bind (Internal Rhetoric)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the constant dialogue and conflict within the psyche, leading to a state of double bind. He explains the concepts of complexes and shadow in Jung's work, emphasizing their role as organizing principles in the inner psyche. Vaknin delves into the nature of double bind, the conditions for its existence, and its impact on mental health. He also explores the relationship between complexes, archetypes, and the unconscious, highlighting their influence on memory, identity, and behavior. Vaknin concludes by proposing that the psyche is in a constant state of dialogue and conflict, leading to the emergence of specific complexes.

MD (Most Dangerous) Narcissists of All: Medical Doctors, Physicians

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the dangers of narcissistic medical doctors and physicians. He explains that narcissistic doctors are overrepresented in the medical profession and are prone to cognitive distortions and behavioral dysfunctions that can harm patients. These doctors consider themselves infallible, confabulate, resist learning, and are hyper-vigilant and vindictive. Vaknin advises patients to seek multiple opinions, rely on common sense and intuition, and choose evidence-based practices. He also warns against the dangers of trusting narcissistic doctors and emphasizes the importance of being assertive and thorough in seeking medical care.

Widow/er Narcissist: Your Inconsiderate Death, Bad Mother!

In this lecture, Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the narcissist's reaction to the death of a significant person in their life, such as a partner or a friend. He explains that the narcissist reacts with entitlement, a belief in their own immortality, and a sense of betrayal and abandonment. The narcissist's reaction is compared to that of an infant's temper tantrum and is rooted in their need for external regulation and a search for a "good enough mother." Vaknin also delves into the impact of the death on the narcissist's psyche, including feelings of shame and potential regression to borderline-like behaviors or even psychosis. He concludes by suggesting that the best course of action is to move on and cut off contact with the narcissist.

Sam Vaknin in Shorts (Narcissistic Pearls)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the anxiety caused by having too many choices and the dislike people have for choice as it makes them feel disempowered. He also talks about the risks of love and time, and how they enrich and reward us. Vaknin emphasizes the importance of self-improvement for oneself and the futility of trying to change outcomes by gaining knowledge. He also explains the concept of self-gaslighting, where people defend their comfort zone and distort information to maintain their worldview.

Bleeding Edge Narcissism Info - see DESCRIPTION (With Conor Ryan, Eyes Wide Open)

In this lecture, Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the complexities of pathological narcissism, including the debate over what constitutes a narcissist and the differences between overt and covert narcissism. He emphasizes the importance of reconciling the views of clinicians and theoreticians and highlights the fluidity and complexity of personality disorders. Vaknin also addresses the contagious nature of narcissism and the challenges of managing and healing from narcissistic abuse. He provides insights into the body language and manipulative tactics of narcissists and offers strategies for dealing with them. Additionally, he delves into the ethical considerations of victimhood and the potential for change in narcissistic individuals.

Why Narcissist MUST Sacrifice YOU to False Self

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the dominance of the false self in narcissism, explaining that the false self is a primitive, savage, parental deity that demands human sacrifice. The false self is a compensatory process that conflicts with and rejects anyone who enters the narcissist's life and becomes a maternal figure, leading to the sacrifice of the individual to the false self. The shared fantasy is a reenactment of the failed early childhood separation and individuation, and the devaluation and discard are symbolic reenactments of separation from the original mother. The narcissist remains stuck with the maternal introject, creating dissonance and perpetuating inner conflict.

NEVER SAY THIS to Depressed, Anxious (Pollyannaish Invalidation)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the importance of choosing the right words when trying to help someone dealing with depression and anxiety. He emphasizes the need to avoid minimizing or invalidating the person's experiences and to respect their individuality. Vaknin advises against using cliches and instead encourages active listening and empathy. He warns against being overly optimistic or trying to "fix" the person, and stresses the importance of providing companionship and support without imposing one's own views or judgments.

Narcissist As Never Seen Before (Bootleg Snippets, Zagreb Lecture, March 2024)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses narcissism and offers to give lectures to clinicians and mental health practitioners in North Macedonia and other European countries. He explains the concept of autoerotism and its impact on a child's development, as well as the different types of narcissistic interpersonal relationships. He delves into the grief experienced after narcissistic abuse and the shared fantasy between the narcissist and their intimate partner. Vaknin also addresses the dynamics of narcissism, including splitting and projection, and the impact of narcissists on those around them.

Transcripts Copyright © Sam Vaknin 2010-2024, under license to William DeGraaf
Website Copyright © William DeGraaf 2022-2024
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