
Vaknin Talks

Full transcripts of Sam Vaknin's videos

Can People Switch Between Incompatible Disorders (Narcissist, Psychopath, Borderline)?

Professor Sam Vaknin explains that mental health diagnoses have three elements: etiology, psychodynamics, and behavioral manifestations. When comorbidities occur, one disorder is dominant and dictates the patient's behaviors, while the other disorder contributes only in specific circumstances. Transitioning between self-states in personality disorders involves temporary adoption of behaviors from other disorders, but does not signify a permanent shift in diagnosis. These self-states are reactive and self-limiting, and do not change the patient's core personality disorder.

Narcissistic Abuse: Purposeful, Not Intentional

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses whether narcissistic abuse is intentional or not. He argues that while the actions of narcissists fulfill a purpose, they are not intentional, as narcissists lack a core identity and cannot distinguish between reality and fantasy. In contrast, psychopaths act purposefully and intentionally, with full awareness of their motivations and the impact on others. The narcissist's main goal is to obtain narcissistic supply and resolve internal conflicts, while the psychopath is focused on gratification and is outward-looking. Ultimately, the narcissist is driven by unconscious forces, while the psychopath is a conscious and calculating manipulator.

No Grandiosity Without Victimhood

Pathological narcissism involves the combination of victimhood and grandiosity, which are cognitive distortions and reaction formations. The narcissist uses these to compensate for feelings of weakness and shame, creating a false narrative of perfection. Both victimhood and grandiosity involve emotionally invested misperceptions of reality, and they serve as a rejection of the narcissist's true self. These traits are specific to pathological narcissism and are not based on reality.

How To Write a Case Study (CIAPS Class)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the importance and mechanics of creating a case study. He emphasizes the narrative and conclusion components, which include facts, context, theories, assumptions, analysis, criticism, and solutions. He also highlights the need to consider the audience and tailor the case study accordingly. The process involves fact gathering, contextualizing, identifying issues, and structuring the case study with an abstract, introduction, facts and findings, analysis and discussion, conclusions, limitations, and references. He also suggests referring to an essay on due diligence for further insights.

Narcissist’s Elation is YOU in Shared Fantasy

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the concept of fantasy and narcissistic elation, emphasizing the role of fantasy in regulating the narcissist's emotions and self-perception. He explains the differences between the bad object and the idealized object, and how they relate to reality testing. Vaknin delves into the concept of narcissistic elation, describing it as a memory of a symbiotic bond with a maternal figure and its role in the shared fantasy. He also explores the impact of narcissistic elation on the narcissist's relationships and behaviors.

Narcissism: Silence of the Introjects, Including You (Multitasking to Infantilism)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the role of the false self in pathological narcissism, focusing on its function to silence inner voices, known as introjects. The false self acts as a censor, banishing conflicting introjects and creating a one-party state in the narcissist's mind. The false self's success is measured by how effectively it silences the introjects, leading to a constant need for the narcissist to multitask and maintain the false self, resulting in mental exhaustion and constant anxiety. This intricate machinery behind narcissism goes beyond simple behavior and involves a complex interplay of internal dynamics.

Gaslighting by Proxy (flying monkeys, triangulation, drama triangle)

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses gaslighting by proxy, where third parties are used to manipulate and distort reality to make the victim doubt their perception. He explains three examples: flying monkeys, triangulation, and the Karpman drama triangle. Flying monkeys collaborate with the abuser to convey misinformation, while triangulation involves introducing a third party to provoke an emotional reaction. The Karpman drama triangle manipulates roles to communicate disinformation. These examples illustrate how gaslighting can occur through the involvement of others, leading to a distorted perception of reality.

3 Signs You're Mentally Healthy (Bad, Good, Idealized Objects)

In this lecture, Professor Sam Vaknin discusses three signs of mental health. He explains that mentally healthy individuals have impulse control, self-awareness, and empathy. He contrasts these traits with the lack of impulse control, lack of self-awareness, and reduced empathy in mentally ill individuals. Additionally, he delves into the concept of internal objects, distinguishing between bad, good, and idealized objects, and how they impact mental health.

Borderline’s Life is Worth Living, Technicolor Adventure

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the misconceptions and despair surrounding borderline personality disorder. He emphasizes the positive prognosis and effective treatment modalities for the disorder, such as dialectical behavior therapy. Vaknin highlights the creativity, intensity, and enlightenment that individuals with borderline personality disorder possess, and the potential for personal growth and evolution. He encourages those with the disorder not to give up, as their lives are worth living and can have a positive impact on the world.

When Covert Narcissists Cross Paths, Swords

Professor Sam Vaknin discusses the dynamics of interactions between covert narcissists. He explains that covert narcissists are adept at hiding their true nature and often present themselves as victims. When two covert narcissists meet, they reinforce each other's victimhood and engage in a race to the bottom to prove who has suffered more. Over time, one of the covert narcissists may assume the role of an overt narcissist, leading to conflict and competition. Ultimately, same-type narcissists cannot coexist for long, and only opposite types can maintain a structured relationship.

Transcripts Copyright © Sam Vaknin 2010-2024, under license to William DeGraaf
Website Copyright © William DeGraaf 2022-2024
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