
Narcissist's Certain Losses

Uploaded 10/8/2011, approx. 3 minute read

My name is Sam Vaknin, and I am the author of Malignant Self-Love, Narcissism Revisited.

And affirmation.

This process demands the persistent investment of inordinate amounts of energy and time.

The narcissist appears to be hell-bent, obsessed, smitten and addicted to the pursuit of his sources of supply.

Yet a curious transformation occurs once he has secured and chained his sources.

Once he has shackled them, domesticated them, conditioned them.

The narcissist, often abruptly, suddenly loses all interest.

It is as though, having acquired his sources of supply, the narcissist takes them for granted. He treats them as he would inanimate objects, devoid of will and unable to free themselves from his mesmerizing mental grip.

Many sources of supply, weighed down by the tiring relationship with the narcissist. Many of these sources break loose and escape his venomous influence.

The delusion that the narcissist harbors, that he is in total control, crumbles as the narcissist is abandoned time and again by spouses, maids, friends and colleagues.

But he does not learn a lesson from it.

It is then, when the loss is tangible, that the narcissist regains his former zeal, an erstwhile further. He courts a long-neglected wife. He invests himself in a hated job. The friends spurn colleagues and gulfs with a natural warmth and empathy of offended friends.

It is very common for instance for the narcissist to rediscover the joy of sex with an adulterous partner. It is as though being cheated by his wife or husband rekindles in the narcissist a competitive urge, a possessive streak and a perverted carnal pleasure.

The narcissist professes to be shocked by the untoward behavior of a hitherto faithful spouse, a loyal friend or a patient neighbor.

He says, whatever happened to them? He wonders, what brought this on? Why did his wife cheat on him? Why did his colleagues demand his resignation? Why did his neighbor turn violent all of a sudden?

The narcissist is genuinely puzzled, very much as you would if your personal computer refused to obey your instructions for no good reason.

Fear of impending loss and doom, the narcissist embarks on a charm offensive, parading the most irresistible, brilliant, captivating, titillating, promising and thrilling aspects of his false self.

The aim is to reacquire that which has been forfeited to neglect and indifference, to rebuild relationships ruined by contempt and abuse, and thus to regain the dislaid found of narcissistic supply.

Needless to add that once these targets are reacquired or achieved, the narcissist reverts to all form and goes back to being impatient, abusive, negligent, emotionally absent, indifferent.

Until another round of losses loose and reanimated, the narcissist.

And this is what the narcissist is.

A sad, repetitive automaton, forever imprisoned by his own non-existence, by his need for others and his hatred and loathing of them.

Torn apart by these conflicting emotions, the narcissist appears to be a deranged automatic machine.

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Narcissist's Romantic Jealousy and Possessiveness

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Narcissists Hate Women, Misogynists

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Self-destruction as Narcissistic Supply: Narcissist's Self-denial and Self-defeat

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How Narcissist's Victims Deceive Themselves

Narcissists cannot be cured and are a threat to those around them. Victims of narcissists often confuse shame with guilt and attribute remorsefulness to the narcissist when they are actually feeling shame for failing. Narcissists are attracted to vulnerable people who offer them a secure source of narcissistic supply. Healing is dependent on a sense of security in a relationship, but the narcissist is not interested in healing and would rather invest their energy in obtaining narcissistic supply. Narcissists lack empathy and cannot understand others, making them a danger to those around them.

Can You Love the Narcissist and Rescue Him?

Victims of narcissists often resort to fantasies and self-delusions to cope with their pain, believing that they can rescue the narcissist from their misery and misfortune. However, loving a narcissist is difficult, and any attempt to relate to them emotionally is doomed to failure. Narcissists are addicts in pursuit of gratification through the drug known as narcissistic supply, and they hone in on potential suppliers like cruise missiles. Victims of narcissists can become bitter and self-centered, lacking in empathy, and become more like the narcissist over time.

Remain Friends with the Narcissist?

Narcissists are only friendly when they need something from you, such as narcissistic supply, help, support, votes, money, or sex. They also become friendly when they feel threatened and want to smother the threat with pleasantries. Narcissists are also over-friendly when they have just been infused with an overdose of narcissistic supply. Some people prefer to live with narcissists because they have been conditioned to treat narcissistic abuse as background noise and are compensated for the abuse by the thrills provided by living with a narcissist. However, inverted narcissists are typically unhappy and in need of help, which suggests that they are victims who experience the Stockholm Syndrome.

Narcissist: Normal People are Enigma

The narcissist feels that they cannot understand normal people and that they are often exploited in their relationships. They try hard not to offend others and give a lot, but it seems that they can do nothing right. The narcissist feels that they are a mental leper and that people only tolerate them because of what they can offer. They acquiesce in the asymmetry of their relationships and have known no differently since their early childhood.

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