
Narcissist's Sexual Deviance (ENGLISH responses, with Nárcisz Coach)

Uploaded 1/21/2020, approx. 2 minute read

You are your father's substitute, you become the father. And at that point, your sexual identity begins to be very fuzzy, very unclear, not as a male, but as a phase of development, as you're a child. You're a child, but you're expected to behave as a man, and you can't. It's a failure, it's a failure, it's a gap.

So you feel that you're a failure as a man. It disrupts the identity.

So narcissists, generally, are heavily disrupted when it comes to sexual differentiation and sexual identity.

Consequently, most narcissists engage in unusual sexual practices. So it could be kink, could be BDSM, classic BDSM, could be fetishism, could be pedophilia, could be incest, could be hebephilia, preference for teenagers.

So you would find narcissists overly represented in unusual or atypical sexual behavior, and massively overrepresented in what we call paraphilias. Paraphilia are actual sexual orientation diseases, like mental diseases. So pedophilia is a paraphilia. But narcissists have many other paraphilias.

I have a database of 1,560 people diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder over 25 years. It's not so much, it's about 20 or 30 a year.

Very few narcissists admit they've been diagnosed.

The minute I catch someone, I get on a forum or something, I write to them and I have a huge questionnaire with 700 questions that I submit to them.

And I have this database, and it's by far the largest in the world, by far the largest. And one of the things that I have discovered is that fewer than 3% have what we would call conventional or normal sexual style, sexual preferences, sexual orientations. Fewer than three percent.

And for me, homosexuality is a normal sexual orientation. I'm not talking about homosexuality, I'm talking about really crazy things, like, you know, they're really into this.

For example, the frequency of incest shocked me, absolutely shocked me. Well over 20% of the database engaged in incest, first-degree relative incest, daughter, son, mother, father, well over 20%. 20, 23%. Compare it to the general population. It's like hundreds of times more.

Fetishism is, I don't remember the figure, but also like 20, 30%. Proper fetishism, like shoes, proper fetishism. Kink, all over, literally all over. I never met a narcissist who's not into that.

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