
Bondage Hijacked by Narcissists and Psychopaths (in the West) (ENGLISH responses)

Uploaded 3/10/2020, approx. 5 minute read

My name is Sam Vaknin, and I am the author of a new treatment modality called Cold Therapy.

My name is Sam Vaknin, and I am the author of Cold Therapy.

I also had a core interest in art.

Hello my name is Sam Zimmer, I am increasingly willing PTA. I contact many audiences as well.

My personal would be un he ran into an artist in the last eight years, and was speaker of his own.

Well, Shibari, which is a part of Kondō, is not exactly bondage. It uses ropes, like in Western bondage.

But the emphasis is not on bondage. The emphasis is on aesthetic values. The human body is used as a sculpture. The ropes are very special and they have aesthetic value. It is a work of art, a work of art.

And the aesthetic value in Shibari, more precisely, Kondō, the aesthetic value is critical. It's not so much violence, although some forms of Kondō, some uses of Shibari, which is the tying part, the Shibari is the tying. They are damaging the body sometimes. You can damage the body, definitely.

Neurologically, the nerves, you can damage some nerves. But that's absolutely not the main intention.

Bondage, Western bondage, is about dominance. It has no aesthetic values that I'm aware of. It's about dominance. It's about power relationships, power matrices. It's about, in extreme cases, replacing one's will with someone else's will. It is the outside symbolic representation of a power relationship between two people, a great power relationship between two people.

I'm saying symbolic because the vast majority of Western ties can be opened very easily, even by the person who is tied. Not so with Japanese. Japanese ties can never be opened by the person who is hog-tied, never.

It's a critical difference because in Western tradition, the equipotence, equal power, is preserved even in the tying. In Eastern tradition, the relationship is clear and it is a collaboration of two people in creating a human sculpture with everlasting message of beauty.

Therefore, it's an art.

Narcissists are going to misinterpret Japanese practices as forms of super extreme dominance because the body is distorted and hung. They're going to love it because it looks like this is the real McCoy. This is torture. They're going to interpret it as torture, which would horrify Japanese.

So many narcissists practice these kinds of things and couple it with actual violence, like nipple pinchers and drawing blood and vampirism.

So, Shibuya took a very ugly, decadent, deformed form in the West because it's been hijacked by violent people, aggressive people, psychopaths, narcissists, hijacked, coupled with real violence, real damage, and made into a sick malignant form of the original artistic practice.

Narcissists therefore do not engage in bondage.

As I said, bondage is consensual. Bondage is to please the partner as much as to please yourself. Usually, actually, mostly to please the partner. You're just an instrument. The dome is an instrument in this case. And of course, it's not an artwork like the Japanese.

So, what's left?

What's left is a game. The rope.

Narcissists don't engage in bonding. They engage in roping. They engage in hostage taking. They engage in kidnapping. Kidnappers also tie your hands with the rope.

Would you call that sexual? Sexual. It's not sexual.

I mean, a mother can kiss her son and then she can kiss her lover. In both cases, it's a kiss. The context is very important.

So, using a rope doesn't make it bondage. And narcissists do not do bondage. They do, as I said, hostage taking. And then they use the incapacitation of the victim to inflict severe pain and damage, non-consensual in many cases.

We have many, many stories, starting with looking for Mr. Goodbar, which was a book and a movie about essentially this. We have many cases where it starts with, I mean, the woman thinks it's bondage, but it ends very badly. She ends up in the hospital and so on because the narcissist lost it and used the fact that she was bound to inflict severe damage on her.

It's very dangerous, absolutely.

All these practices in the hands of narcissists have become cancerous and are extremely dangerous.

I would never dare to have media sensation with narcissists or psychopaths, never, ever.

But she doesn't see it the same way as normal participants.

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